How Does Your Tradeshow Booth Compare?

I exhibited at a show a few months ago and was shocked at some of the setups people had for their booths.  Magnetic booth structures, wrinkled back-walls, and signs taped to tables instead of using a branded table cloth.  After taking 30 minutes to set up, I got to wander the floor and watch the set-up of the booths around me.  Three disturbing trends became apparent as I watched my co-exhibitors – how long it took them to setup, how heavy their displays were, and how overly complicated the assembly was on their booths.

I was very fortunate to get in early and be able to observe who the other exhibitors were and what their booths looked like.  I watched the guy next to me struggle with his setup for over an hour and for a more simplistic look.  At one point he had to use tape to keep his booth from falling apart because the magnets that were supposed to hold his booth together weren’t working anymore, and the weight of the vinyl backdrop was too heavy.  By day three of the event the booth was in pieces and he had given up trying to fix it.  At one point he introduced me to his Marketing Coordinator and said, “You need to order a booth from these guys.  It took him 30 minutes to set up by himself and he was laughing at our setup.”

ExpandaBrand offers branding products that are lighter weight, quicker to set up, and easier to use than most of our competitors.  Most of our products take less than a minute to set up.  We use fabric instead of Vinyl; making our banner stands lighter than our competitors.  We use fewer pieces, and try to keep everything self-contained so mostly everything is turnkey and not complicated.

How long is your booth taking you to set up?  If you answered too long, give us a call.

Trade show booth