
A Sign is a Sign is a Sign. Right?

*PLEASE NOTE: None of the examples shown above were produced by ExpandaBrand.

However, perfect examples of ExpandaBrand quality are represented below. No comparison.

Now THIS is ExpandaBrand quality.

Let’s just be honest. Most banners and other portable signs are generally bought based on price.  However, have you ever stopped to wonder whether or not the quality of your signage actually mattered to your potential customers?

It may interest you to know that research teams at the University of Cincinnati conducted studies which focus specifically on the correlation between signage quality and the amount of traffic driven into stores, as well as how shoppers use signage to draw quality inferences about businesses.

The results might surprise you.

  • 29% of survey respondents report they have been drawn into unfamiliar stores based on the quality of the store’s signage (the 18-24 age group was the most prone to this effect).
  • 35% of consumers report they have made quality assumptions about a business on the basis of clear and attractive signage.
  • 49.7% reported driving by and failing to find a business due to ineffective signage.

This survey was about brick and mortar locations, but wouldn’t the same principles apply to your event signage?

Of course they do, and that’s just one reason that 78 of the world’s top 100 brands trust ExpandaBrand.  In addition to our premier Flying, Feather, and Wing Banners (our best-in-class flagship products), we also provide unique signage solutions (off-the-shelf or custom) which may very well be that missing piece for your next activation.

How will you know if you don’t call us, right?

After all, Wayne Gretzky said it best when he famously noted,

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.