Trade Show Do’s & Don’ts

With any marketing a business needs to make sure there is a Return on Investment, otherwise there is no point in doing it. One of the massive parts of our business at ExpandaBrand is of course Trade Shows and we want to make sure that you are getting the most out of the experience for your business. Here are a few things to do and not do :

  • DO make sure you have an outstanding knowledge of what you are showing at the show to anticipate questions and your responses.
  • DO be on top form – smile, have a great energy about you, and make sure to maintain good eye contact whilst speaking to people viewing your booth.
  • DO stand and face out to engage your potential prospects. Don’t sit and look disinterested
  • DO be honest – if you don’t know the answer to something, find or contact someone who does.
  • DO make sure you know where everything is in your stand. Get there early to ensure this.
  • DO make sure you know where to get help or support within the show. Attendees are bound to ask you and they will remember you for helping them and it is a good way to start up a conversation that might not have been there before.
  • DO stay well-groomed throughout the show – first impressions last.
  • DO ensure that you keep your booth neat and tidy.
  • DO make sure that your branding is clear and that attendees know who you are. Be noticeable and inviting.
  • DON’T stand around talking to your colleagues. Attendees usually shy away from people who look occupied.
  • DON’T have negative body language – no crossed arms, no hands in your pockets. Rather have something useful in your hands, like business card or flyers.
  • DON’T come to the show tired or hungover. Be fresh and clear minded.
  • DON’T wear uncomfortable shoes.