Why is branding important?

In this day and age, as a consumer, we are inundated with choices when selecting a product or service and often find it hard to make a decision. It is for this exact reason that branding is of such importance. Quite simply, choices are the only way consumers actually know you exist. So it’s become more vital than ever for brands to ensure that they maximize their brand exposure through effective marketing mediums. Yes, there are other ways apart from branding to attract/retain business, such as word-of-mouth referrals, sales calls, networking events, etc. – but ask yourself, “is that really enough?”

Branding is so much more than just sticking your logo on a banner or tent. It’s about understanding your brand’s DNA and transforming it into a visibly outstanding marketing tool. Branding has the amazing ability to visually communicate who you are, who you want to be and who others perceive you to be.
Many people feel that branding’s main objective is to set your brand apart from your competitors. However, we feel it’s more about your positioning yourself in such a way that consumers consider you as the solution to their problem. People tend to do business with companies they’re familiar with, so it’s vital that your branding connects with your customers emotionally and creates a lasting impression.

We live in a time where branding has become more important than the actual product or service we’re offering. Many may argue this, but the proof is in the pudding – as seen by the cars we drive, the clothes we wear, the restaurants we frequent and especially the gadgets we own. And why? It all stems back to the emotional connection consumers develop toward a particular brand.

In my 20 years of experience working within the marketing, branding and experiential industries, I’ve come to learn that branding is truly a culture. It is a shared dedication and passion for molding the perception of a brand through imagery, words and colors – a perception that will serve to both identify and differentiate it from its competitors. From our office to our production line, ExpandaBrand lives and breathes this vision – so much so, in fact, that we practice what we preach. Every office, room and corridor serves as a colorful visual reminder of what we do best – which is producing high-quality branded solutions for any event or environment.

Now THAT’S effective branding!