Why Brand Activations Work

Brand activations are a marketing method which involves engaging consumers by creating an experience and allowing them to interact with your brand. By engaging with consumers and involving them in an event or experience, brands are able to foster positive associations and create long-term brand loyalty.

Brand activations have become an important part of every brand’s marketing strategy and it’s easy to see why. With consumer sentiment beginning to turn unfavourably against traditional advertising and an ever-increasing number of new brands in the market, it’s now essential to make your own brand heard in a way that is both positive and effective.

Brand activations are great for this purpose as they allow you to engage with customers and position your brand strategically in public perception. When done right, a brand activation is not only successful at increasing brand awareness and sales, it also has long term benefits – like improving brand image, building brand loyalty and creating long-lasting and positive brand associations.

How do you manage that? The infographic below shares a few fascinating facts and figures about how brand activations work and why they’re so successful.

Check out our next blog where we’ll give you tips on how to pull off a successful brand activation.

Contact Us if you want your next Brand Activation to have that WOW factor!